If you change your mind and would like to make a return, please follow these steps:
- Please notify us within 14 days of receipt of your item by email; or call 020 8740 3070 (a message can be left out of working hours) to request a returns number.
- Please pack your items in their original, unused condition along with a completed returns form to the address below within 28 days of receiving your delivery. Any items returned without returns form or order reference may not be refunded.
- Please be sure to obtain proof of postage as we can not be held liable for items lost or damaged in transit. As soon as your item arrives and has been checked we will refund the cost of the item.
If your item has arrived damaged or faulty:
Please email or call us within 24 hours of receipt detailing the damage/fault. If emailing, it would be helpful to include images. Please do not return until you have contacted us as it is important that we understand the cause of any problems.
To view our full returns policy and terms & conditions please view in this link
Name | |
Order Number | |
Returns Number | |
Item (s) being returned
Reason for return
Return To:
101 Gloucester Road